Akshaya Tritiya which is also known as Akha Teej is highly auspicious and holy day for Hindu communities. The word Akshaya (अक्षय) means never diminishing.
Akashaya Tritiya è un giorno sacro e di ottimo auspicio per i fedeli hindu. Akshaya significa immortale, che non diminuisce.
Svolgendo i rituali prescritti con cuore puro e devozione è possibile ottenere fortuna e successo.
Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good luck and success. Most people purchase Gold on this day as it is believed that buying Gold on Akshaya Tritiya brings prosperity and more wealth in coming future.
Akshaya Tritiya day is ruled by God Vishnu who is the preserver God in the Hindu Trinity. Usually Akshaya Tritiya and Parashurama Jayanti, birthday anniversary of 6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, falls on the same day.
Il giorno di Akshaya Tririya è governato da Vishnu, colui che preserva. Spesso si festeggia anche la nascita della sua sesta incarnazione Parashurama Jayanti.
Vedic astrologers also consider Askshay Tritiya an auspicious day free from all malefic effects.
Gli astrologi lo considerano un tempo propizio per liberarsi dall’influenza negativa dei pianeti malefici (e più in generale da qualunque forma di negatività).
The word “Akshaya” also means immortal or everlasting. It’s good for the new investment, to start new activities, for marriage, for donations and for buy new items.
Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi are worshipped on the day of Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej.
In questo giorno inoltre si pregano: Ganesha, Lakshmi, Krishna, Kubera, Durga. E’ il momento ideale per fare acquisti importanti, iniziare nuovi progetti, avviare nuove attività commerciali, sposarsi e fare delle donazioni ai più bisognosi. Molte persone acquistano oro per propiziare le entrate.
Astrological significance in vedic astrology
Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej is celebrated once in a year when Sun and Moon are exalted and at the extreme point of brightness on this day.
According to Vedic Astrology, three lunar periods are considered auspicious in a year. These periods are known as Sade Teen Muhurat.
Legends Of Akshaya Tritiya
-On the day of Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej, Sudama visited Lord Krishna in Dwarka just to ask for some financial help. Lord Krishna welcomed Sudama with kindness and believed in ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’. Discovering the richness of Lord Krishna Sudama was ashamed to offer his gift.
It was a bowl of Poha that Lord Krishna received sincerely from Sudama. He relished this gift as a tribute to friendship, hospitality, and care. Sudama felt ashamed of asking any financial favour from Lord Krishna and returned home with a peaceful heart. After reaching home, Sudama got surprised to discover his poor hut was transformed into a palace. Sudama’s honesty and simplicity were taken by Lord Krishna as the token of unconditional trust, friendship, and kindness.
-The Most Important Mantra of Akshaya Tritiya: “Remember the Kind act of Giving is Thousand Times More Powerful than that of Receiving”, says Ganesha.
Hindus celebrate this day because, according to them, Akshaya Tritiya is the day when the great God of Wisdom, God Ganesha, started writing the epic work called “Mahabharata“. It is believed that when the Pandavas were in exile the Lord presented them a bowl which was named Akshaya Tritiya. That bowl was never empty and produces an unlimited amount of food on demand.
– As per the scriptures, a vicious and long-lasting battle was held between Goddess Durga and Mahishasura and in the end, Mahishasura was killed by the Goddess. As per the sacred Puranas, that day was marked as the end of Satya Yuga and start of the Treta Yuga. Thus, since that day, Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated as the beginning of a new era.
-On this day Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth and property with Goddess Lakshmi, by praying to Lord Shiva at Shivapuram.
Thus, the day of Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej is associated with material gains and wealth.
Rituals of Akshaya Tritiya
It there is lack of money even after proper earning, lack of peace in family, problems related to children, problems due to enemies one should fast on ‘Akshaya Tritiya’ and make donations as per their capacities. This will give very good results. If a person is not getting any auspicious time for marriage on account of planetary position in his horoscope he can fix this day for performing marriage ceremony. Performing marriage ceremonies on this day gives longevity to matrimonial life.
Chi ha problemi di soldi, non ha pace in famiglia, è ostacolato da persone crudeli, il 7 maggio dovrebbe praticare il digiuno (data valida per l’anno 2019) o fare beneficenza, secondo le proprie possibilità.
Se la vostra settima casa è lesa o non riuscite a stabilire una data favorevole per celebrare il vostro matrimonio, potete farlo nel giorno di Akshaya Tritiya. L’unione sarà protetta, ricca e longeva.
Sii austero e compassionevole nel giorno di Akshaya Tritiya, dice Ganesha.
You should wear piousness and austerity on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, says Ganesha.
• Wake up early in the morning and take an auspicious bath. Svegliati presto e fai un bagno purificatorio.
• Observe fast. Osserva il digiuno.
• Offer sandalwood paste and flower to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Parvati. Offri pasta di legno di sandalo e fiori a Vishnu e Parvati.
• Pray to Goddess Lakshmi and Kubera (Lord of Wealth). Prega Lakshmi e Kubera (associati all’abbondanza, al benessere e alla proprietà).
• Prepare Poha as prasad and offer to Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. Prepara il Poha e offrilo a Vishnu o a Krishna.
• Donate to needy and brahmins. Dona soldi, cibo o vestiti ai più poveri (o ai Bramini).
It is also believed that if we pray to god with devotion and dedication on this day the sins done by us even the sins committed by our ancestors are forgiven by god. The native who worship god on this day with devotion and dedication is blessed with satva guna (truthfulness and righteousness).
Le preghiere recitate con devozione sono importanti per rimuovere il cattivo karma (anche quello dei propri antenati).
Benefits of Akshaya Tritiya
Whatever you offer on the day of Akshaya Tritiya or Akha Teej will enhance the auspiciousness of Akshaya Tritiya. Believe you can achieve wealth, prestige, and success on Akshaya Tritiya if you follow the above rituals with a pure heart.
• You and your family members will gain happiness and prosperity.
• Want your business or job get flourished? Then start any new activity, project or business on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya.
• You will get free from all your sins.
• Lord Ganesha provides knowledge and courage.
Akshay Tritiya Vrat (fast)
For appeasing the deceased ancestors and getting glory.
It is considered most auspicious day for appeasing the spirits of ancestors and for getting unlimited glory. It is considered most auspicious day because whatever auspicious activities and charities are performed on this day do not go in vain.
In questo giorno si digiuna anche per donare pace ai propri antenati, ottenere la conoscenza, il coraggio e la capacità di progredire nel cammino spirituale (in verità e giustizia).