
What is a karma yogi?

The path of selfless acts
You might have heard people talk about those who are “Karmic Yogi’s”…that is, they have chosen a path/job that embraces selfless acts of giving or endless acts of service to others.
But what is a Karmic Yogi?
-Karma has the root verb “Kri” from Sanskirt meaning “act” or law of causation.
-Yoga means “union of self with supreme self”.
Therefore, Karma Yoga means “discipline of action”.
It’s talked about in Hinduism and Vandanta, and sometimes in different Buddhist systems.

The Bhagavad Gita
Karma Yoga is one of the four path’s to realization, and this particular form of yoga is of selfless service.
We can look through ancient texts and scriptures to find more examples and explanations of this.
The ancient Hindu tale called Bhagavad Gita defines this as “form of nature”, meaning it occurs naturally.
It also goes on to give an example of karma yoga, Krishna said:
“Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme”.
If you are able to do the task without attachment to the deed or outcomes they are done as a truly selfless act.

The right attitude
They say: “ If you wish to help a man, never think of what a man’s attitude should be towards you”.
Do not think, wish, or hope for the reward, do it as if it were nothing and then let it go.
In karma you reap what you sow, if you sow nothing but negative, hateful, spiteful deeds, you will only lead a life of misery.
If you choose to do things out of kindness, compassion, or simply just because you are sowing the seeds of happiness for mankind, you have the right mindset!

Some famous Karmic Yogi’s: Mahatma Ghandhi, Sadasiva Brahman, Paramahansa Yogananda, Mahavatar Babji, Swami Yukteswar Giri just to name a few.

Source: Sivana Spirit

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