
Healing With Water

For the Desana people, singing to the Water is a key to healing

The science of cymatics literally shows us that sound influences the structure of water, but there are many who believe in the scientifically controversial idea that water can hold a ‘memory’ from the influence of light, sound and even human intention. In recent years many people have been captivated by the work of Masaru Emoto, with his images showing the world precise details of how intention may be affecting water on a structural level. For the first time we were able to clearly visualise what a particular intention, such as gratitude, may look like in the form a single snowflake-like structure, photographed under a microscope.
In fact people have believed in our ability to influence water since the days of antiquity, with the Christian tradition being the obvious example, with the ongoing performing of rituals they claim turns regular water into holy water. Vibrational essences and the water from flower baths are just a few other examples of people believing in the capacity for water to be affected intentionally for healing purposes.
Fin dall’antichità si credeva che l’acqua avesse il potere di conservare la memoria delle emozioni e delle intenzioni umane, dei suoni e della luce. Le foto di Masaru Emoto, sembrano confermarlo.

Indigenous Healing With Water
We shouldn’t be surprised to learn that there have been cultures who have held this understanding since long before microscopes and cameras existed to show them that their prayers or intentions were having some kind of tangible effect. Verification instead came to them in the form of efficacy in healing. Water was charged with healing intention, and then given to someone who was sick, and when their health was restored, the practice was deemed useful and it’s use was continued. In this way, this practice has been carried through to the present day from ancient times.  One such culture which has found this practice effective is the Desana tribe who continue to reside in the Amazon on both sides of the Colombian/Brazilian border. The practice of charging liquids, particularly herbal medicines with intention is widely practiced throughout the Amazon basin among many different language groups, most often done with whistling or song, and/or the blowing of tobacco smoke over the liquid.
La tribù Desana crede nell’efficacia dell’acqua caricata con intenti di guarigione, in particolare nei rimedi erboristici usati per curare le persone malate. Il potere viene trasferito cantando, fischiettando o soffiando fumo di tabacco sopra l’acqua.

Imbuing Water With Healing Intention
One term used in spanish is curar, to cure. This is likely part of why a healer in the amazon is most commonly known as a curendera or curandero: one who cures. Another term for this practice in the Amazon is icarar.
The verb icarar means to sing or whistle an icaro [medicine song] over a person, object or preparation to give it power; water over which an icaro has been sung or whistled and tobacco has been blown, for example is called agua icarada.
Anthropologist Luis Eduardo Luna tells of how [mestizo shaman] Don Williams Vasquez deals with difficult childbirth, singing icaros [medicine songs] of slimy fish, demulcent and mucilaginous trees, the slippery boa, and the ray, which can give birth in any position. He sings these songs over a glass of water, which is given for the woman to drink.
In spagnolo “curar” significa curare, ristabilire la salute della persona. Da questo termine nasce la parola “curandera”: donna (o uomo) in grado di curare. Nella Foresta Amazzonica, si usa la parola “icarar”. Cantare o fischiettare un icaro (canzone di medicina) sull’acqua la rende “icarada”, capace di guarire. Lo sciamano Don Williams Vasquez si occupa di parti complessi e aiuta le partorienti con questa particolare acqua.

The Desana Tribe Of The Vuapes River Region
The Desana stand as a particularly good example of this practice because in their culture exists a field of specialisation in this exact art. The Desana are unique in that they have three distinct types of shamans and the ones that work with incantations, usually over liquids, are known to be capable of healing with water and intention alone. This person is referred to as a kubu or kumu. The kumu cures by the inaudible recitation of highly formalised therapeutic spells over a liquid the patient then drinks.
A term that isn’t loaded with quite the same negative connotations as ‘spells’ is the Desana word bayi, which speaks of curing in both the healing sense as well as the encoding of intention into a liquid.  Bayi also brings with it the same kind of reverence and sacredness as the word ‘pray’.
For the Desana, this object [often water], which gives the incantation a material support, functions as a “medium”; it transfers the incantation to the patient.
Nella tribù Desana, i kumu o kubu, sono sciamani capaci di “incantare” l’acqua ed usarla come un mezzo/supporto utile alla guarigione del paziente. L’acqua può veicolare anche intenti diversi rispetto alla guarigione fisica e in questo caso si usano altre “bayi”, parole sacre.
When reciting their incantation over a physical agent like a liquid for drinking or a plant for rubbing on the person, the Desana claim that the cure is faster acting, more penetrating, has more materiality and permanence, though it not as precise.

Purification and Fasting
Another aspect of gaining knowledge and the ability to focus and transfer intention powerfully and accurately is the practice of purification and fasting. Purification through emetic plant purges apparently removes blockages preventing knowledge from coming in.
One of the fundamental methods of shamanic training in the Amazon is the practice of self imposing strict limitations on diet and spending time in isolation in the forest, listening for the songs of the plants that one is trying to establish relationships with.
Per accrescere la loro conoscenza e riuscire a trasferire i loro incanti, gli sciamani adottano una disciplina spirituale di tutto rispetto: digiuno, isolamento, purificazione (grazie alle piante emetiche), ascolto della natura.  Proprio l’ ascolto, permette di creare un legame speciale con le piante, valide alleate nelle guarigioni.

Healing With Water On A Global Scale
If water is extremely conductive of electricity then this conductivity could also extend to more subtle levels of energy that science is now only at the edge of being able to measure. Remember also that water has also been observed by eastern traditions as perhaps the best example of being able to adapt and change to any situation. Conductivity and adaptability.
Se l’acqua è un conduttore di elettricità, non è detto che non possa condurre anche altri tipi di energie, ad un livello più sottile. In tutte le tradizioni è sacra proprio per la sua capacità di essere un buon “mezzo”.
We may not be masters of encoding water with intention like the Desana, or masters of focus like buddhist monk, but what we lack in depth of focus we may be able to make up for with sheer volume of people. What excites me is the idea that millions of people may be able to collectively use their intention to take advantage of the conductivity and adaptability of water, by coming into a space of deep listening and receptivity and then focusing our intention on sending their blessing to the waters of this planet. This may be to bring healing to the waters themselves, but like this practice of using the water as a carrier for healing individuals, a large enough and focused enough collective may be able to bring about healing or re-alignment in not just the water but all those who come into contact with it – and there is nothing this planet needs more than that.
Magari siamo lontani dalla disciplina dei Desana o dei monaci buddisti, ma possiamo provare a incanalare il nostro amore e i nostri intenti di guarigione nell’acqua. Forse, se usassimo questo potere a livello collettivo, potremmo curare l’intero pianeta e i suoi abitanti.

By  Jonathan Davis (read here).
Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash





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