
Mirror hours: 15:15 and 15:55 meaning

15:15 meaning

-Sexuality is going to become very fulfilling in your current relationship.
-A new love will awake your enthusiasm and your passionate side.
-Take courageous actions to overcome obstacles.
-Embrace change.
-Protection from the Divine (Angel Ariel), realization of your goals.
-Believe in your intelligence and originality.


What is the right message for you? Follow your intuition. Think about your personal life. Think to the energy you’re trying to manifest.

15:55 meaning

-Someone from the past is currently thinking of you (maybe your twin flame).
-Growth and progress in life.
-Let go negative mindsets that hold you back.
se exercise to increase your body’s ability to heal.
-Protect yourself from psychic vampires and toxic relationships.
-Be honest with yourself (use introspection, journaling, meditation)
-Follow your passion (spirituality, religion, magic, travel, in particular).
-Feed Your Curiosity (books, new places…)




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